Generated-code reference

Generated-code reference

This page describes the code generated with the grpc plugin to protoc-gen-go when compiling .proto files with protoc.

You can find out how to define a gRPC service in a .proto file in Service definition.

Thread-safety: note that client-side RPC invocations and server-side RPC handlers are thread-safe and are meant to be run on concurrent goroutines. But also note that for individual streams, incoming and outgoing data is bi-directional but serial; so e.g. individual streams do not support concurrent reads or concurrent writes (but reads are safely concurrent with writes).

Methods on generated server interfaces

On the server side, each service Bar in the .proto file results in the function:

func RegisterBarServer(s *grpc.Server, srv BarServer)

The application can define a concrete implementation of the BarServer interface and register it with a grpc.Server instance (before starting the server instance) by using this function.

Unary methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated service interface:

Foo(context.Context, *MsgA) (*MsgB, error)

In this context, MsgA is the protobuf message sent from the client, and MsgB is the protobuf message sent back from the server.

Server-streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated service interface:

Foo(*MsgA, <ServiceName>_FooServer) error

In this context, MsgA is the single request from the client, and the <ServiceName>_FooServer parameter represents the server-to-client stream of MsgB messages.

<ServiceName>_FooServer has an embedded grpc.ServerStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooServer interface {
	Send(*MsgB) error

The server-side handler can send a stream of protobuf messages to the client through this parameter’s Send method. End-of-stream for the server-to-client stream is caused by the return of the handler method.

Client-streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated service interface:

Foo(<ServiceName>_FooServer) error

In this context, <ServiceName>_FooServer can be used both to read the client-to-server message stream and to send the single server response message.

<ServiceName>_FooServer has an embedded grpc.ServerStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooServer interface {
	SendAndClose(*MsgA) error
	Recv() (*MsgB, error)

The server-side handler can repeatedly call Recv on this parameter in order to receive the full stream of messages from the client. Recv returns (nil, io.EOF) once it has reached the end of the stream. The single response message from the server is sent by calling the SendAndClose method on this <ServiceName>_FooServer parameter. Note that SendAndClose must be called once and only once.

Bidi-streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated service interface:

Foo(<ServiceName>_FooServer) error

In this context, <ServiceName>_FooServer can be used to access both the client-to-server message stream and the server-to-client message stream. <ServiceName>_FooServer has an embedded grpc.ServerStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooServer interface {
	Send(*MsgA) error
	Recv() (*MsgB, error)

The server-side handler can repeatedly call Recv on this parameter in order to read the client-to-server message stream. Recv returns (nil, io.EOF) once it has reached the end of the client-to-server stream. The response server-to-client message stream is sent by repeatedly calling the Send method of on this ServiceName>_FooServer parameter. End-of-stream for the server-to-client stream is indicated by the return of the bidi method handler.

Methods on generated client interfaces

For client side usage, each service Bar in the .proto file also results in the function: func BarClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) BarClient, which returns a concrete implementation of the BarClient interface (this concrete implementation also lives in the generated .pb.go file).

Unary Methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated client stub:

(ctx context.Context, in *MsgA, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*MsgB, error)

In this context, MsgA is the single request from client to server, and MsgB contains the response sent back from the server.

Server-Streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated client stub:

Foo(ctx context.Context, in *MsgA, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (<ServiceName>_FooClient, error)

In this context, <ServiceName>_FooClient represents the server-to-client stream of MsgB messages.

This stream has an embedded grpc.ClientStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooClient interface {
	Recv() (*MsgB, error)

The stream begins when the client calls the Foo method on the stub. The client can then repeatedly call the Recv method on the returned <ServiceName>_FooClient stream in order to read the server-to-client response stream. This Recv method returns (nil, io.EOF) once the server-to-client stream has been completely read through.

Client-Streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated client stub:

Foo(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (<ServiceName>_FooClient, error)

In this context, <ServiceName>_FooClient represents the client-to-server stream of MsgA messages.

<ServiceName>_FooClient has an embedded grpc.ClientStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooClient interface {
	Send(*MsgA) error
	CloseAndRecv() (*MsgB, error)

The stream begins when the client calls the Foo method on the stub. The client can then repeatedly call the Send method on the returned <ServiceName>_FooClient stream in order to send the client-to-server message stream. The CloseAndRecv method on this stream must be called once and only once, in order to both close the client-to-server stream and receive the single response message from the server.

Bidi-Streaming methods

These methods have the following signature on the generated client stub:

Foo(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (<ServiceName>_FooClient, error)

In this context, <ServiceName>_FooClient represents both the client-to-server and server-to-client message streams.

<ServiceName>_FooClient has an embedded grpc.ClientStream and the following interface:

type <ServiceName>_FooClient interface {
	Send(*MsgA) error
	Recv() (*MsgB, error)

The stream begins when the client calls the Foo method on the stub. The client can then repeatedly call the Send method on the returned <SericeName>_FooClient stream in order to send the client-to-server message stream. The client can also repeatedly call Recv on this stream in order to receive the full server-to-client message stream.

End-of-stream for the server-to-client stream is indicated by a return value of (nil, io.EOF) on the Recv method of the stream. End-of-stream for the client-to-server stream can be indicated from the client by calling the CloseSend method on the stream.

Packages and Namespaces

When the protoc compiler is invoked with --go_out=plugins=grpc:, the proto package to Go package translation works the same as when the protoc-gen-go plugin is used without the grpc plugin.

So, for example, if foo.proto declares itself to be in package foo, then the generated foo.pb.go file will also be in the Go package foo.

Last modified February 24, 2021: Change the message type name (#665) (fa46cd8)